Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 5: Monday

Today was a normal clean the house, cook meals, and study day, and after dinner I dropped my brother Stephen off at his Fencing class. Here's my typical Monday outfit: Denim skirt from Christopher & Banks, Shirt from Old Navy, and Sandals from Payless. The problem I've found with C&B skirts is that their smallest size is a 4, so if you wear a smaller size they tend to sit really low on the hips and you just have to make sure that you can find a shirt long enough to cover everything. Old Navy's shirts usually do the job nicely.


  1. Hey Jacqueline!

    I too have skirts from C&B and I love them! (They wear wonderfully!) I too find that their skirts sitting at the hips very annoying and I've fixed them (and other skirts) by putting two darts in the back so the the waistband of the skirt sits at the waist, rather then the hips. Each dart takes up about a half inch of fabric or a little more, depending on the skirt.

    This is also great as if you grow or gain a little wieght, you can take the darts out and your skirts still fit!


  2. Hi Jacqueline!!!

    Just wanted to let you know that Mom and I are really enjoying your "week of modest dress" posts! :) Thanks so much for sharing all the wounderful ideas on where to shop and also the lovely pictures! :)

    Love in Christ,
    ~Chloe~ :)

    Also, thanks for including me as a contibutor!!! :)

  3. Nona: What a great idea! I've tried it with some of my lighter skirts but not with the denim ones, I'll have to do that. Loved the pracitcal suggestion about what to do if you gain weight! ;)

    Chloe: Thank-You. I've been having a lot of fun so I'm glad y'all are enjoying it. And you're welcome! can't wait to see what you find to post on!
    ~Have a wonderful and Blessed day!
